Milestone feat for Zambia
Published On October 24, 2014 » 2083 Views» By Davies M.M Chanda » Opinion
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FreedomYESTERDAY was one of the happiest days for the people of this land, perhaps only second to October 24, 1964 when the country became an independent Zambia.
The joyful mood could be seen as early as 07:00 hours on Thursday when school pupils could be seen rushing to their various schools donned in national colours.
Some buildings, both public and private, as well as streets were decorated with the national flag, which added beauty even to these structures, including those that obviously have not had any new coat of painting for quite some time.
Colourful events, mainly of the entertainment nature, took place in all cities, towns, provincial and district centres. In Lusaka, these were preceded by the laying of wreaths at the Freedom Statue spearheaded by Acting President Edgar Lungu.
Not to be outdone in the joy that gripped the nation was the Bank of Zambia that in the countdown to the big day had earlier on released the K50 commemorative banknote bearing portraits of four former presidents and the current one.
The Zambia Postal Services Corporation, meanwhile, came up with colourful stamps to coincide with the Jubilee celebrations.
Zambians from all walks of life, both at home and abroad, certainly had genuine reason to celebrate the country’s 50 years of independence.
This is because during this period, Zambia has been referred to as an oasis of peace, the country renowned for her peaceful co-existence of some 73 tribes, numerous religious groups, as well as a tradition of democratic and peaceful political transition.
Zambia is no doubt an exceptionally peaceful country, known for its smooth change of governments, first from the father of the nation Kenneth Kaunda to Frederick Chiluba, who also handed over to Levy Mwanawasa.
Following the demise of Dr Mwanawasa, then vice-president Rupiah Banda was elected into office, only for him to gracefully hand over the instruments of power to the incumbent Michael Sata following the 2011 presidential and general elections.
As independent commentators have said, Zambia should certainly be a very good example to Africa, since the country has thus far maintained 50 years of peace and tranquility.
The Global Peace Index (GPI) report some time back indicated that the world’s least peaceful region was sub-Saharan Africa. Yet the same report said that by virtue of Zambia never ever having been involved in civil war, the Southern African nation was doing its part to change this ugly picture.
Indeed not only is Zambia one of the most peaceful countries in the world, it is also a nation with some of the friendliest people – two great reasons for people from other countries to visit this Southern African nation.
The absence of civil disturbances and hostilities, not even international conflicts as has been the case with some countries, has essentially put Zambia in a good position to attract more tourists and investors, who obviously feel comfortable in peaceful terrains.
Peace is conducive to business, and areas of minimal violence are said to be attractive to business investors. At the same time, business can play a decisive role in building and strengthening global peace through job and wealth creation.
We, therefore, thank the men and women who at times organized thanksgiving services that brought Zambians together to confess that God was sovereign over the affairs of this nation. And, most important, we must be thankful to God for the peace this country has enjoyed, and for taking the nation thus far even in times of difficulties.

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