Zambia remains special – Thabo Mbeki
Published On October 24, 2014 » 2631 Views» By Davies M.M Chanda » HOME SLIDE SHOW, SHOWCASE
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. Mbeki

. Mbeki

ZAMBIA shall forever remain special because it was the headquarters for liberation struggle, former South African President Thabo Mbeki has said.
Mr Mbeki, who was among several foreign dignitaries who attended the Golden Jubilee banquet in Lusaka at Hotel Inter-Continental on Thursday evening, said that 50 years of Independence was not only an important day for Zambia but for the region.
“I would like to thank the Zambian people, the Government and in particular Dr Kenneth Kaunda for everything they did to liberate the region at a great cost to you to make us leave in peace,” Mr Mbeki said.
Mr Mbeki considered Zambia as his home, as he spent most of his years in this country when South Africa was experiencing apartheid.
He was grateful that Zambians had continued with their hospitality and friendliness.
Several dignitaries from various countries attended the colourful function, which was characterised by music from various artistes, including the Patriotic Front and defence forces choirs.
Among those that attended the dinner were former Malawian President Bakili Muluzi, Ghanian Defence Minister Mark Owne Woyongo, who represented President John Dramani Mahama and United States Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Linda Thomas-Greenfield, who represented President Barak Obama.
In delivering his special message from the Ghanaian President, Mr Woyongo affirmed the two countries’ mutual friendship and continued support.
President Mahama wished President Michael Sata continued good health.
Meanwhile, the Government wants to ensure improved service delivery to Zambians in health, education and other economic areas beyond the 50 years of independence.
Vice-President Guy Scott said the aspiration of the Government was to grow Zambia to greater achievements and create an inclusive society.
He said this when he addressed guests at the State banquet.
Dr Scott expressed Zambians’ gratefulness to God for sustaining the country for half a century in peace and unity.
He said God had sustained this country and allowed the people of Zambia to live in peace even as their neighbouring countries were fighting for the liberation struggle.
“The grace of God sustained us that war did not break our country but we lived in peace even as our neighbours were fighting war,” he said.
Dr Scott commended the freedom fighters for the role they played to unify Zambia and create an inclusive society.
Nigerian Vice-President Namadi Sambo was impressed with the mutual relationship between Zambia and Nigeria, which had resulted in the economies of the two countries growing.
He said there were Zambian companies operating in Nigeria, especially in Telecommunications, while on the other hand there were a number of Nigerian banks operating in Zambia.
“This is the right direction to go and various other socio-economic areas should be strengthened to grow further and enhance our cordial relationship,” Mr Sambo said.

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