Men’s beauty tips
Published On August 9, 2015 » 2253 Views» By Davies M.M Chanda » Features
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GLAMOUR LOGO -NANCYI KNOW a lot of men will actually be scared off by the title but yes it’s not just us women who need ‘beauty tips’.
Let’s talk shaving, You must always use a safe after shave cream or lotion to prevent bumps or alternatively you can make your own shaving cream using four table spoons raw shea butter, four tablespoons unrefined coconut oil and three tablespoons sweet almond oil or olive oil.
This mix is very good for men with sensitive skin because it’s organic and has no nasty chemicals whose origin or effect you don’t know.
Also remember to shave in the direction that your hair grows in and ensure you wet your sin before shaving with water, not shaving cream alone.
You must also learn to exfoliate your skin. I compare exfoliating to how you polish a table, you scrub and underneath is gorgeous skin unearthed to the world.
Find good exfoliator or use a little mealie meal or brown sugar with your soap or body wash and scrub your face gently in circles.
It also makes your skin soft enough for shaving just remember not to do this every day.
Guys I know that the last thing you want is to have a closet full of products but a good moisturiser is a must.
Dry skin is not only unattractive but unhealthy as well, so here’s a grandmother’s tip that works.
Get your favourite lotion or cream (because men’s skin dries out faster use products specifically made for men or use one made for dry or damaged skin).
Add some water to it, not to match as it might thin out the lotion/cream then add glycerine, if you have olive oil in the house add two drops. Mix it around and you are good to go.
The thing is water is the best moisture out there and glycerine is a humectant (it locks in moisture) while olive in seals in moisture so voila.
Besides you can use the olive oil to cook with to fight that pot belly so it’s a win win situation right?
For glowing skin though nothing beats lots of water, fruits and vegetables.
Dry lips are never ever in style, I don’t care how manly you feel you are get a little bottle of Vaseline or lip balm (some brands make some specifically for men), carry it in your wallet and in your car dab on your lips constantly.
Don’t lick your lips because it makes them dry as it removes your natural moisturisers.
Smelling clean is not an option for a man at all please gentlemen invest in a good deodorant first then your colognes and scents can come second.
Look for an antiperspirant that lasts for 48 hours as this will both kill any strong odours but also prevent sweat marks in your under arms.
Find a good cologne/ perfume that you like and remember that with scents as everything else subtlety is key.
Find a scent that defines you, trust me when I tell you that how a man smells is usually one of the first things people notice so take your time and don’t rush when you go to a shop.
Look for products with sunscreen with an SPF of 15 to 30 or just buy sunscreen and prevent skin cancer.
That’s it for this week, read up some more on my blog, head to my email and follow me on Twitter and Instagram @Arushapot as well as on Facebook at Nancy Handabile.
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