Mother, baby die in inferno
Published On July 2, 2016 » 4114 Views» By Administrator Times » Latest News, Stories
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A LUSAKA woman and her eight months old daughter have been burnt to death after the house they were in, caught fire in Kasupe area of Lusaka West on Wednesday night.
It is unclear how the fire started  that resulted in the death of  Ireen Phiri and her eight months daughter while,  the 10-year-old girl sustained injuries and was receiving treatment at the
University Teaching Hospital (UTH).
Ms Phiri’s niece Ireen Bwalya confirmed the development to the Sunday Times and said the
deceased has since been put to rest.
Meanwhile, police have urged the travelling public to observe and abide by the road traffic rules and regulations during the Heroes and Unity Holiday.
Police deputy spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said in a statement yesterday that traffic police officers countrywide would be conducting snap checks to ensure that all motorists complied thereby ensuring road safety.
“Enough officers will also be deployed to conduct foot and motorised patrols day and night to maintain law and order.
“The general public is being encouraged to report any suspicious persons or perpetrators of any form of crime to the nearest police station or post,” he said.
Mr Hamoonga appealed to the public to utilise the emergency numbers to report cases in areas where they were unable to access a police station or post.

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