Mozambique/Zambia ties vital
Published On July 4, 2016 » 3886 Views» By Administrator Times » Opinion
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WE hail the relationship between Zambia and  Mozambique  that dates back from the time this country supported the Mozambican liberation struggle that saw the late Samora Machel become the first black president of that country.
Despite sharing different colonial masters, the relationship between Zambia and Mozambique has crossed this historical boundary to ensure the two countries forge ahead in bilateral agreements that have already borne fruit.
We thus agree with Mozambican President Felipe Nyusi who has said that Zambia and Mozambique should be agents of productivity and promoters of prosperity owing to the human and natural resources that the two countries have.
True to the visiting president’s observation, Zambia and Mozambique are endowed with human and natural resources which are enough to be exploited so as to barricade the two countries in terms of productivity and reduce poverty levels.
As active members of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the two countries need to develop complete actions and foster the integration that exist to ensure they are agents of the much-needed development.
One can cite the Nacala development project and the two countries’ intention to construct a thermal station to be producing 1,200 megawatts (MW) of power for both Zambia and Mozambique as the common projects aimed at helping and empowering the people.
We pray that the relationship continues since it transcends over the years and covers many areas, including political consultations, defence, energy, agriculture, infrastructure development, mining, tourism, science, health, youth and child development.
We say this, because the two countries have signed three memoranda of understandings in the fields of agriculture, energy, transport and communications.
Needless to say the relationship is cordial in another area since it has led to  the securing of jobs for either country through exports and the creation of regional value chains that has birthed the Zambia-Malawi-Mozambique growth triangle which is of strategic importance to the three countries.
It is our expectation that the two governments will work together to re-energise the work to fully operationalise the growth triangle.
One of the areas in realising this, is investing in the necessary infrastructure and to eliminate artificial barriers that limit trade between the two countries.
In this regard, we appreciate the supplementary role of the two countries in enhancing development through SADC since it has borne fruit and given hope for greater results in the future.
It is also heartening to note that Mozambicans and Zambians also share a cultural and religious history considering that the former country is largely Christian just like Zambia and has some tribes that are found here.  OPINION

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