YDF has created 1,000 jobs – Kambwili
Published On January 21, 2014 » 3025 Views» By Administrator Times » Latest News, Stories
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.Mr. Kambwili

.Mr. Kambwili


THE Patriotic Front (PF) Government has created more than 1,000 jobs countrywide from the K23 million Youth Development Fund (YDF) disbursed to 700 youth groups and associations in the last two years, Youth and Sports Minister Chishimba Kambwili has said.

Mr Kambwili said contrary to false claims by some sections of opposition political parties and civil society organisations that the PF had failed to create jobs, the Government had disbursed funds to 700 youth groups and associations valued at K23, 188, 869.90 since assuming power in September 2011.

He said from the 700 beneficiaries of the YDF, more than 1,000 jobs had been created in various parts of the country.

Mr Kambwili was speaking in Livingstone yesterday when he addressed several youths at the Civil Centre Committee Room.

Lusaka had 192 beneficiaries, which was the highest, and the projects were valued at K6, 729, 422.00 while Eastern Province had fewer beneficiaries at 23 with the projects valued at K864,598.11.

The YDF is aimed at empowering the youth with finances and capacity building through the revolving fund and grant support.

Mr Kambwili reaffirmed the PF Government’s commitment towards improving the welfare of Zambians, regardless of their race, age and tribe.

He said the YDF was not being disbursed by PF cadres as alleged by some sections of society, saying only youths with bankable and feasible documents accessed the funds regardless of their political affiliation.


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