Economic freedom vital
Published On October 20, 2014 » 1823 Views» By Administrator Times » Business, Columns
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BRIEF-CASEZAMBIA will this Friday commemorate its 50th anniversary following the emancipation from the hands of the colonial masters.
Truly, Zambians are politically free but Briefcase feels the economic liberty is yet to be attained hence the need for all to work hard.
With economic independence, job opportunities will be easily available to all those want to work while more citizens will be able to meet the cost of the basic human needs.

Advice to Zesco, LWSC

STILL on Zambia’s Golden Jubilee, Zesco and Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company should this week give Lusaka residents a break from the intermittent supply in the electricity and water respectively.
It is sad that instead of improving the scenario the power and water supplies are ostensibly deteriorating by the day.
As residents commemorate the 50 years of the Zambia’s existence, the two utility firms should work hard and ensure constant supply of the electricity and power respectively, throughout the period of festivity.

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